Our Story

Erika's journey to becoming an equine Gestalt coach is a testament to the transformative power of following one's heart and rediscovering passions. A story that began with the reignition of joy in her life quickly became life saving following a traumatic brain injury. Committed to her own healing through the bond with her horse, Erika found that the relationship not only transformed her internally but also reflected positively in her interactions with others. Blending her background as a program evaluator and management consultant with her passion for fostering connection, relationships, mindfulness, and presence, Erika found her calling in equine Gestalt coaching. Now, she's dedicated to sharing the healing and grounding experiences she had with her horses, helping others on their journey toward a more balanced and connected life. Erika's story is a powerful reminder that sometimes, following your heart can lead to a fulfilling and purpose-driven path.